What we do
Lymphoma Action was established in 1986 and is the only UK national charity dedicated to lymphoma – the fifth most common cancer. We provide high quality information and support to people affected by lymphoma, and their family, friends and healthcare professionals.
Our vision
Everyone affected by lymphoma will receive the best possible support, treatment and care.
Our mission
Through information, education, support and influence, we will make sure no one has to face lymphoma alone.
Our values
· Focused – we are dedicated to the needs of those affected by lymphoma
· Empowering – we build confidence to make change happen
· Trusted – we use our expertise to deliver quality services
· Innovative – we look to a better future for people affected by lymphoma
· Collaborative – we are inclusive and value our partnerships
“I don’t feel alone. It’s as if there is a lighted room full of kind friends. Always there to listen and support.
Our goals
- Ensure that people understand lymphoma.
- Enable people affected by lymphoma to feel supported by others who understand what they are going through.
- Empower people affected by lymphoma and their healthcare professionals to communicate with confidence.
- Be a voice for people affected by lymphoma to influence the decisions that affect them.
- Increase the impact of our work by making best use of our resources.