Goal five: Increase the impact of our work by making best use of our resources

“Thank you to the volunteers! You're very special people who make a difference to others at a time in their lives when it's needed.
We were awarded the Investing in Volunteers (IiV) accreditation, the UK quality standard for good practice in volunteer management for our work with 256 volunteers who provided a total of 4,234 volunteering hours and took part in 942 activities supporting our work.
23 of our volunteers were awarded for their length of service, and seven for their outstanding contribution at our annual Volunteer Recognition Awards ceremony
We welcomed two new members to our Board of Trustees with expertise in healthcare and fundraising.
Thanks to our amazing community, we raised £2,205,750 from donations and our wonderful supporters who took on a whole host of activities and challenges.

We built on our digital and data strategy to better understand the needs of our community and look at how digital development can improve our services.
We supported our staff with improved working practices, development and capacity building, and by upgrading our ICT infrastructure.
“We have all thoroughly enjoyed raising money for this amazing charity and you have been a great help along the way. Thank you for your support.